Strengthen the value chain of our country's crafts, with the Colombian Pacific as its main axis, by creating economic opportunities through marketing
of the artisanal products made by our communities.
Likewise, by making the protagonists of this art visible, promoting the preservation of our cultural heritage among the public.

An essential part of our brand is to constantly cultivate a relationship with artisans, based on shared knowledge, respecting their customs, recognizing the essence of their territory and managing sustainable opportunities, based on the principle of fair trade, that contribute to their comprehensive development. .
We connect the artisanal work of the victim and vulnerable population of the Pacific coast with buyers at national and international level. We promote the work of Afro-Colombian, Indigenous and peasant artisans from the departments of Valle del Cauca, Cauca, Nariño, Chocó, among others, especially those who are part of the Care for the Victim and Vulnerable Population - APV program, of
Handicrafts from Colombia.
More information APV Program – Handicrafts of Colombia: